I used this app fairly often, now lately it crashes a lot. Sometimes it crashes as soon as I open, other times it does it after I navigate to another page. It has crashed at least 5 times today alone. It didnt used to be this unstable.
04/25/2016: I came back to update my review and knocked the rating down one star. This app crashes more then it runs. I cant get the basic forecast info to load 99% of the time either. Its worse than it was before and I have uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times. FIX IT!
The text for the Localcast section is overlapped so you cant read any of it unless you go to that section. It has "loading layer" at the top of the screen and never seems to actually finish loading.
Pulling hair about WeatherCaster - Weather radar, forecast, alerts, and hurricane tracker, v2.7.1